Development to get the ‘bang’ along with the ‘bump’
Join Goldstein Hall and Daly Gonzalez for an in-depth zoning seminar focusing on current trends in Urban Planning and Affordable Housing.
Our panel of industry experts will discuss:
- Land Use and Affordable Housing …What’s Trending?: Much has happened in the world of Affordable Housing and Land Use. Find out how the zoning landscape is shaping up.
- Can Your Building Get Its ‘Bump’?: Development bulk and use features such as senior housing, affordable housing, community facility space, and available air rights can help shape and enhance your project. Learn how to determine if your site is in the right zoning district and space to take full advantage of these development tools.
- Making It Happen: How to create a successful model: Our panel will include real-life examples of developments that implemented the tools mentioned above resulting in a smarter and more successful project.
Monday, May 22, 2017
8:30 am – 10:30 am
Club Quarters Hotel – Empire Room
52 William Street, 2nd floor
New York, New York 10005
Co- sponsored by:

Daly Gonzalez